Sunday, May 4, 2008

Blogs and my blog

I woke up. Ate a bagel for breakfast. Took my vitamins and secret supplements. Went training for 3 hours. Came home. Went training again. Had recovery drink. Did intervals later. Took a nap. Did some abs then ate a big pasta dinner and went to bed.

Raced the next day. I was feeling good at the start of the race. I covered alot of moves for my teammates. I would have went up the road if I didn't do all the work for my teammates. I got unlucky when the motorcycle guy got in my way and I had to serve around him otherwise I would have made the winning move. My training was going well till yesterday when I started feeling slightly sick. I think I might have had food poisoning otherwise I would have won. Also, my legs havent' been feeling good I think I might have Epstein Barr or some other illness. Otherwise I think I would have won the race. I'm glad my teammate won otherwise I would have won if I wasn't working for him. I like to blog about my races so everyone else can know why I didn't win. Just kidding but you get the idea....that's what alot of the blogs I read sound like. Oh yea and I wonder what so and so is doing. I also let you know about how many famous and fast cyclist I know.

I'm really getting sick of reading blogs especially cycling blogs. I don't have the time or motivation to keep up this blog. This is my 60th post and possibly the last one about me. I might post some funny shit that I find as I did a few posts ago. I know Pieter D. found one of them funny.


Andrew said...


Brian, you totally had me going until about halfway through, and then I laughed and laughed and laughed as I realized what you were doing...

Blogs are wonderful things, the idea that people can post whatever & whenever for their families & friends to read is really quite something...

however the problem becomes, after enough people start blogs, that many people just are not that interesting, have observations that truly are unique, or continually forget that the human experience of something that is new to you might be old hat to many...

still, for many, writing something down helps wrap your mind around ideas, and can bring internal peace during an often chaotic world...

that said, it does not mean you need to spend time reading the majority of repetitive ramblings that are out there.. and personally, I like your writing..

Use an RSS reader, it makes surfing the dozen or so high quality blogs worth keeping up with very easy and not time consuming...

Anonymous said...

well, if it matters, I'll never post a reason why I didn't win.

I'm only interested in why I finished last, second to last, etc, etc.

Boudie said...

JE your blog is one of the best but you are a Pro. I feel like a Cat 5 in the blog dept. I'll keep going one more night.

Jessica said...

Aww, you should keep it up! :)